Broad range of uses:
Natural gas has a broad range of uses.
It is used:
In industry,in the retail and service sectors, and in the non-commercial sector,in households (i.e. for general use),for the generation of heat and power,in cogeneration, and as a motor fuel in the transport sector (CNG).
In general use, and in the retail, service and non-commercial sectors, natural gas is used for the heating and cooling of premises, cooking and the preparation of hot sanitary water.
As a heat source, natural gas is used in industry in technological processes, and as a raw material in the chemical industry.
Natural gas is also used to produce electricity.
Advantages of use:
The main characteristics and advantages in the general use of using natural are as follows:
No need to store fuel (no reservoir required – spatial savings and increased safety)
High-efficiency fuel (gas condensing boilers achieve efficiency of nearly 100%)
Clean burning (the fewest emissions of harmful substances into the environment)
Natural gas is also used in cogeneration, a technological process in which heat and electricity are generated from the same energy source. Modern cogeneration plants are highly efficient, which is particularly important for the rational consumption of energy and environmental protection.
The use of compressed natural gas (CNG) as a motor fuel is quite widespread in other countries. There are numerous advantages to using natural gas instead of liquid fuels in road traffic. One essential element is the price, as natural gas is considerably cheaper than petrol and diesel fuels. Likewise, vehicles driven by natural gas help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a reduction in air pollution.
From the pumping station to the user:
The transmission of natural gas is closely linked to storage. Storage facilities enable the storage of natural gas for subsequent periods of higher consumption or as a reserve for unforeseen events.
The efficient transmission of natural gas from remote pumping stations to end-users is possible via international high-pressure transmission pipelines. Prior to transmission, a technological process is used to clean natural gas of impurities and other matter. The flow of natural gas via pipelines is made possible by compressors, which increase the pressure in pipes and thus push the gas forward. Compressor stations are located every 70 to 180 km.